There Lies Peace

Today, I write from my heart. I miss the days when life was simple, but, in reality, it never has been.  However, these days, for me, all my drama is in the world around me, not in my own heart.  I am truly thankful for every part of my life, the people in my world, and the restoration I have experienced.  Sadly though, this morning as I write this blog post, we as a nation have just seen with our eyes via media, two horrific plane crashes over the last three days. Tragedy is everywhere we look. News broadcasts locally and from around the world brings it up close. I can understand why so many turn to drugs and alcohol to numb the pain of what they see and experience daily.  If it were not for the Lord in my life, I would probably be right there with them.  That’s where I was when I first met Him.

Our world, country, and neighborhoods, reel with the sudden and unexpected.  Technology giants and world governments shake societies. Poverty threatens the existence of entire people groups while disease knows no status. Natural disaster changes the landscapes we have built our lives on, leaving many homeless. Grief wraps survivors like a dirty garment.  As I write this, I have only been an observer of what I see in media, but I am fully aware that that could change in a moment.

In times past, I turned my eyes away because it was too much for my empathetic heart.  I couldn’t look without feeling the pain. I believe God has spoken to me that I am not to do that anymore. Although I will always try to take a day, or days at times, to not open my apps, computer, or turn on the television, I won’t turn away from the heartbreak of others anymore.  It’s time to see and still trust. To keep my eyes on Jesus and know that just as He is there for me, He is there for them, if they but look His way.  And he will calm their fears, give hope when their lives look hopeless, and be their very present help in times of trouble.

Jesus told us there would be times like this, when men’s hearts would fail them because of things going on in the world.  He said when times like these come to not let our hearts be troubled, for He has overcome the world.  There lies the peace.  It’s available to all, if they but just ask.

My part is to pray.  I pray that strongholds (lies people believe as truth) not keep those hurting away from Him, and the brokenhearted would see that He is right there to help them walk through whatever they may be going through.  I pray those who know Him seek to become His hands and feet to those in need physically, emotionally and spiritually.  I pray for an awakening in the body of Christ that we would repent of our judgments, self-righteousness and the pointing of the finger at each other, and start being a people of God that represents Christ rightfully to a world that desperately needs Him.  I pray for strength for those out there picking up the pieces of the shattered lives of their neighbors.  I pray for hope.  I pray for peace. And I pray for me.

Lord Jesus, make me an ambassadsor of hope in the lives of those who are hurting.  Show me how to love others with your kind of love. Help me to see and never turn away from the pain and suffering, just as you don’t. Help me to remember that all that I do is but a clanging cymbol if not done in love. Help me weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice.  And through it all, may I always seek your presence that enaables me to walk in the peace and joy that comes from a life that is hidden in You. I pray to be a light that shows others the way to freedom.  May my life glorify You.

So today, as I see the tragedy and heartbreak in the world around me, herein lies my peace. God’s presence and the peace it brings, is available to all. He loves the hurting and lonely. He cares.  He demonstrated this by laying down His life for each one of us.  If you don’t have this peace, I encourage you to seek it. Ask Him to make himself known to you and He will. He will wipe away every tear, remove every fear, and give you hope. And then don’t be surprised if God invites you to be His hands and feet too. 



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