
I am so excited about summer this year!  Today was my last day subbing until the next school semester! Yay!  What makes this year different?  Me! I have changed. I am no longer afraid of the spiders, ticks, and snakes of Arkansas! Ha! I have a bucket list of trails I want to hike!

Another change in me is I no longer allow my mind to wander off in areas that will cause me to feel anxious.  I take captive every thought I recognize as one that robs my peace.  I am not saying it still doesn’t happen. I just recognize it more easily and purpose in my heart to not go there.  I cannot change one thing worrying about tomorrow or what could have been. I read news headlines only to be informed, share to my Instagram occasionally, scroll way less, and put my phone down, a lot.  

Therefore, this summer, I am setting my sights on the things that bring me joy! Getting outside, breaking bread with friends, and loving on my family every chance I get! Still plan to write that book.  Maybe it will happen this summer. I’ve got my friendly AI to help now!  



I never want to pretend I have it all together. Some days the simplest task is too much to do. ...

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Forgiveness is the undeserved grace given to an individual or group of people for an offense that...

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