Season has Changed

I woke this morning to a crisp 52 degrees outside.  It was only two weeks ago that the air was thick with humidity and warmth from the sun, early morning to late evening.  The season has changed. I feel a change has happened in my heart today as well. My expectations, hopes for the future, and overall sense of well-being are distinctively different.

There are four seasons in life, just as there are four seasons on Earth.  Each with cloudy skies, storms, and fair days. We can learn much about our lives by looking at nature and the cycles of the seasons with changing patterns in the landscape and atmosphere.  Through them all we experience storms that come and go leaving behind either destruction we labor to clean up or the refreshing smells and sounds of nature rejoicing after the rain.

I have kind of been in what feels like a dark and threatening storm lately. One that has lingered for more days than I would care to count. I’ve been inside per say, watching and waiting for it to pass.  Today, it feels like the storm is gone. Just as this new season is breaking in the natural, a new season of morning has broken through my lingering night.  I see blue skies in the horizon clear and far!

The time has come for me to come out of hiding in my shelter of seclusion from the elements and determine to walk boldly in what lies before me.  What do I see on my horizon? My heart tells me it’s a season of ease, with work that is rewarding, and dreams fulfilled. Days of grace without fear of the future await me. The rain has passed, the sun is shining, and the future is bright.

We are promised in scripture days of refreshing.  Psalms 84:6 says, “When they walk through the Valley of Weeping, it will become a place of refreshing springs, The Autumn rains will clothe it with blessings”. There’s no doubt that storms will again come, some may even change my landscape, but for now the forecast is fair with calm winds. My heart rejoices!

Therefore, I start this day, this Autumn, with peace, expecting good things, a season of blessings. Now time for me to go find that favorite sweatshirt that has been hanging in my closet all summer and take a walk in my neighborhood before work! I will walk with my eyes wide open, looking for the good, and basking in the blessings of refreshing!



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