
Today, I was walking across the parking lot to my apartment from the car. The hot air made it hard to breath.  I thought, “Wow! Summer is here! When did this happen?”  Seems like it was just last week, I was sitting on my patio in the cool of the day, which was mid-afternoon. LOL!  The season had changed, but I hadn’t noticed because it was a little each day. Change is inevitable. The seasons change. The environment changes. Neighborhoods may experience renovations and be inviting or become decrepit and run down and eventually abandoned. Everything is constantly changing, including us.

For example, I can either eat healthy and feel good physically or make poor food choices, gain weight, and my body hurts. It’s the same with my emotinal health, I can damage relationships with unmet expectations and unforgiveness or I can forgive and love without expectation. Sometimes expectations can be from others and I have to be okay with not always being able to meet them or I can feel guilty and taken advantage of. Eventually, I will either live my life healthy and free, or my health fails, and I become bitter and resentful. Change within me will happen one way or another.

There’s a book I read a few years back by Jeff Olson called The Slight Edge.  It talks about how one little positive change you make towards your goals that you continue to make daily, will have exponential results over time. As for me, personally, I am choosing to work on healing my body, and my heart, from choices and failures that came from neglect of both. This blog is a part of that.  My diet and exercise changes are part of that too. I must be confident that if I stay committed to the process, whether it looks or feels like it or not, positive change is happening.

I can no longer just let my choices each day not move me forward.  The consequences of poor choices that bruised my heart and damaged my health can be restored. So, as for my health, I need to continue to make healthy food choices and exercise. And as for my heart, I must genuinely love and honor the people in my life, guard myself from putting expectations on others, and walk in unconditional forgiveness with everyone, including myself, every single day.

I can’t do it by myself.  I need help. Therefore, I pray.  And each day, I get a little stronger, and inevitably, someday I will wake up feeling great, and I won’t even be able to remember a day when I felt my life lacked restoration. And then I will think to myself “Wow! When did that happen!”



Have Hope

Have Hope

“Have hope.” I woke to these two words being spoken to my heart one day last week. Followed...

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