Have Hope

“Have hope.” I woke to these two words being spoken to my heart one day last week. Followed quickly were the words, “Hope is the bridge to the manifestation.”

I had gone to bed the night before trying to explain my faith to a friend and why whether I see the answers to my prayers now, or not in my lifetime, I can’t quit believing for the things I have hope for.  Some of those things are prayers I pray multiple times a day, deep desires of the heart.

When we cross a bridge, we aren’t there to stay. We are looking to the other side.  We are can still see where we have been and from our vantage point, what lies beneath, and perhaps things we could not otherwise see.

Hebrews 11:1 says, “Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things not seen.”

Faith is a noun. It is substance. Hope is too. However, they are also verbs in that there is an active waiting between the things I am believing for and what I am seeing. Those words spoken to my heart by the spirit of God that morning were exactly what I needed to bring understanding to how my faith works.  I am crossing the bridge of hope to the answers to my prayers, and what lies out of my reach, beneath and around that bridge are insignificant.  Hope is solid.  It’s the bridge.



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